Updated System Map?

Submitted by w1ted on Mon, 2024/07/15 - 15:45

I love all the new changes to the system, and I'm wondering if there are plans to update the system map.



New maps are available now on the web site (September 3, 2024 version).

  • The “Network” tab information is available to the public;
  • The “Linking” tab information has the updated linking codes and is available to IRG members only.


It would be wonderful if you created an actual MAP showing the location/information of each repeater, so everyone could actually SEE WHERE each repeater is.

This would be helpful for those farther away to point YAGIs more accurately as well. :)

The old diagrams had that but with more repeaters added, only so much info can fit on one page and still be legible.  The location on the page is somewhat representative of the location in the province.  For exact coordinates, you can refer to a map (such as Google Maps online) and search for the town or site location.

Maybe a grid square location would work on the next revision....  Thinking out loud. 

Hi, if you use the Repeaterbook website, they have a system map of all the repeaters in the Provinces and in the States.

See this link for map of repeaters for NB


Or as per the following

Select "North America Repeaters" from Main Menu list > Select Canada from "Choose Country" menu > Press the Arrow button > Click on desired province > Select the desired band ie,. 2m > Hover mouse over "Map Results" > Choose Google Maps or Google Earth
