CTCSS (PL Tones)

Submitted by admin on Thu, 2023/05/11 - 18:17

IRG will be adding CTCSS (PL Tones) to repeaters in the future.  This forum is for help and discussion on how to program radios.  Any questions?  Maybe someone can help you on how to do it.


The repeater at Maces Bay (VE9MBY 444.875 +) is back on the air, a new repeater has been installed.  In addition, the repeater is now programmed with CTCSS tone 141.3 Hz on RX and TX.  You will need to program your radio to send the CTCSS (PL tone) in order to use this repeater.  In addition, you can set your radio to ignore any signals on that frequency except those sending 141.3 Hz.  This may resolve issues with repeaters or signals causing interference on your radio.

Just a note that more repeaters are now SENDING out a PL (CTCSS) tone.  You can find an updated list at  https://ve9irg.net/revamp/ctcss_chart


  • You can set your radio to transmit the tone any time now, to get ready.  All the VHF repeaters are (for now) still set to accept a signal with or without your tone turned on.
  • For the VHF repeaters, set your CTCSS or PL tone to 151.4 Hz.  Remember to turn on the tone, and save that setting to a memory channel so you don't have to do it every time.
  • For the UHF repeaters, the tones are now turned on at the repeater sites for both transmit and receive.  The CTCSS or PL tone for the UHF repeaters is 141.3 Hz.
  • Even when all repeaters are upgraded, "tone squelch" on your receive end is optional (often indicated as TSQL on your display)   If you do set for TSQL, you will not hear repeaters that are not upgraded - you'll see a signal on the meter, but no audio will output. 

Hi  Im trying to get in NS  , then into their Mavcom system.  I have the 151.4 tone on Indian Mountain.  Does not seem to be going through... Any advice for a newcomer to NB here 



Hope all is working well now?   Just noticed this post and a little late responding here.

Just for others' info, the only repeaters that require PL tone so far (as of July 8) are:

  • Campobello Island 146.955 - PL 151.4
  • Maces Bay 444.875 + PL 141.3
  • And the three new stand-alone UHF repeaters
    • Fredericton   442.025 + PL 141.3
    • Saint John  442.500  + PL 141.3
    • Pleasant Ridge  443.400 +PL 141.3

All repeaters (except Skiff Lake) are now transmitting  PL tones, so you can also program in a "tone squelch" if you are troubled by local interference, or don't want to hear distant signals when there is a "lift" on.


I am trying to get back on the air after a couple of years due to an accident.  I can reach Moncton 147.345 and Amherst 147.285 and have the proper tones set for those.  However I have both Indian Mountain and Fairfield tones set at 151.4 and they do not respond.  Any suggestions?

Hi David:  Not sure what the issue might be.  A couple things to verify, which you probably already did:

  • Make sure you also have the tone turned on - some radios don't automatically do that when you select the tone value;
  • Make sure it was all saved to a memory channel before you changed frequency or shut off the radio.