Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
7:30 am Weather Net |
7:30 am Weather Net |
7:30 am Weather Net |
7:30 am Weather Net |
7:30 am Weather Net |
7:30 am Weather Net |
(Weather Net is seasonal from November to April, exact start/end dates vary with weather and flood conditions) |
9:00 pm IRG Net |
9:00 pm Miramichi Area VHF Net |
Updated 18 August 2023. Information on each of these nets is shown below.
- Every Sunday Night at 9:00 pm
- Net Control Station rotates weekly with:
- 1st Sunday: VE9MTB (Rick);
- 2nd Sunday: VE1PIN (Bert);
- 3rd Sunday: VE1VON (Yvon);
- 4th Sunday: VE9AAE (Dennis);
- 5th Sunday (if any): VE1RG (Al).
- At 9:30 pm during the IRG net, taking turns each week:
- IRG Swapshop with VE1AIN (Paul) - Listen for or list your amateur radio-ralated gear - For Sale, For Swap or Wanted
- Don Weeks VE9WB Memorial Report - News related to amateur radio - from VE1AKT (Al). History of VE9WB
The Tuesday Night Net
- Tuesday Night Net on the IRG system
- Net control stations Heath VE9NHS, Benoit VE9BTB, and Scott VE1CSA
- Every Tuesday night at 9:00 pm
Weather Net
- Every morning at 7:30 am, usually November to April depending on weather and flooding conditions - exact start and end dates will be announced depending on seasonal conditions.
- Net Control Stations will gather your local observations for relay to Environment & Climate Change Canada, River Watch and others
- Net Control Stations: Rick VE9MTB (Monday to Friday) and Scott VE1CSA (Saturday and Sunday).
- Requires no weather station, special training or membership in anything.
- Resources and tips on reporting your weather to the Weather Net
- CANWARN Nets are held at the request of Environment Canada Atlantic Storm Prediction Centre, as required when severe weather happens.
Miramichi Area VHF Net
- Every Wednesday Night, 9:00 pm
- Net control stations Gary VE9GSB or Ron VE1BCQ
- On Central Zone: (See Network Diagram for current configuration)
- Every Thursday night at 9:00 pm (that's 2100 hours for you EMCOMM types!)
- Net control rotates weekly with:
- 1st Thursday: VE9PIN (Bert);
- 2nd Thursday: VE9TN (Scott);
- 3rd Thursday: VE9HV (Rodrick);
- 4th Thursday: VE9MTB (Rick);
- Spare and 5th Thursday if any: VE9SDH (Scott)
- The net is to promote and practice good emergency communications for amateur radio operators, and to test the operation of the repeater system. It will be a structured net rather than a social net, but all are welcome to listen or participate.