January had below normal temperatures (-1.5ºC) and slightly below normal precipitation (95%) in comparison with the 30-year climate normal (1981-2010) for the province. Despite having below normal precipitation, extreme southern areas saw above normal precipitation with Moncton reporting their 4th snowiest January on record. Edmundston reported their 5th coldest January on record.
Climate event of the month: A tale of two seasons in less than a month as the province saw a temperature spread of nearly 50ºC (49.8ºC). Sussex recorded the warmest temperature at +10.7ºC on the 5th while Edmundston recorded the coldest temperature at -39.7ºC on the 27th.
See all the details in the attached final report for January and an outlook for February 2022 from Jill Maepea, Warning Preparedness Meteorologist / Client Service Operations Atlantic, Environment and Climate Change Canada / Government of Canada