The IRG repeater system will undergo hardware and programming upgrades in 2023.
- Replacement of linking hardware and reprogramming of repeater controllers
- Changes in some zone configurations to allow for future expansion
- Addition of new repeaters
- Changes in linking codes and programming to improve reliability
- Phase-in of CTCSS ("PL tones") on repeaters
Find out more about what's planned....
IRG Revamp 2023
Current network issues
Updated February 12;
East Zone (Moncton, Sackville, Acadieville): RadComm at DTI advises that this issue has been resolved, and the Zone should be back in the link as of today (Wednesday, February 12).
Grand Lake VE9GLA (145.190-) now tone-enabled
As of Wednesday, November 15, the Grand Lake repeater at Hardwood Ridge (VE9GLA 145.190-) is fully CTCSS enabled - users will need to use a PL tone of 151.4 Hz to transmit via the repeater. For a full list of updated repeaters, visit the IRG revamp page.
Stanley VE9NRV repeater now tone-enabled
As of Wednesday, October 11, the Stanley VE9NRV repeater (147.030) is fully CTCSS enabled - users will need to use a PL tone of 151.4 Hz to transmit via the repeater. For a full list of updated repeaters, visit the IRG revamp page.
North West Zone and West Zone now fully PL enabled
Update: (Sept 26) All repeaters on North-West Zone (VE9SQN, VE9RCV, VE9GFL and VE9STL) are now fully CTCSS enabled (151.4 Hz PL tone on TX and RX)
Update: (Sept 27) All repeaters on West Zone (VE9KMT, VE9IRG and VE1PD) are now fully CTCSS enabled (151.4 Hz PL tone on TX and RX)
For more information about the phase-in of CTCSS and other changes to the IRG system, visit the IRG revamp page.
Campobello Island repeater on air
The VE9GMI (146.955 -) is now in operation on Campobello Island, with CTCSS set to 151.4 Hz. The Bunker Hill location replaces the former Grand Manan Island site, which was decomissioned. As of June 20, the repeater is "stand alone" but will be linkable in the near future, as part of the South West Zone.
New Maces Bay 444.875 repeater
The repeater at Maces Bay (VE9MBY 444.875 +) is back on the air, a new repeater has been installed. In addition, the repeater is now programmed with CTCSS tone 141.3 Hz on RX and TX. You will need to program your radio to send the CTCSS (PL tone) in order to use this repeater. In addition, you have the option to set your radio to ignore any signals on that frequency except those sending 141.3 Hz. This may resolve issues with distant repeaters or signals causing interference on your radio.
The future is sub-audible tones
While many will dread the news, its time has come - the IRG will be phasing in the use of "PL" tones on our repeaters. It's one change among many that will have the most impact on users.