IRG upgrade - July update

Earlier this spring, we notified all our contacts that changes were coming to the IRG repeater system.  Here is the latest news.

Details of work completed to date:


New Maces Bay 444.875 repeater

Submitted by admin on Wed, 2023/05/24 - 13:38

The repeater at Maces Bay (VE9MBY 444.875 +) is back on the air, a new repeater has been installed.  In addition, the repeater is now programmed with CTCSS tone 141.3 Hz on RX and TX.  You will need to program your radio to send the CTCSS (PL tone) in order to use this repeater.  In addition, you have the option to set your radio to ignore any signals on that frequency except those sending 141.3 Hz.  This may resolve issues with distant repeaters or signals causing interference on your radio.

Grand Manan Island repeater to be relocated

Submitted by admin on Tue, 2022/11/15 - 19:12

The VE9GMI repeater (146.955-) repeater is off the air, and will be relocated to Campobello Island when scheduling permits.  (Update 20 June 2023Campobello Island repeater now on air)

Other services at the Airport Road site were moved to a privately owned tower with the start of the NB-TMR Radio system in 2016.    We were fortunate to be able to have the repeater remain active at the old site until it was removed on November 10, and the old site will be decommissioned.

History of the car radio

Submitted by admin on Thu, 2022/10/20 - 10:17

It’s an almost universal experience: People get in the car and turn on their favorite music. But the first car radio wasn’t sold until Chevrolet offered one as an option in 1922. And at first, radios in cars weren’t a popular feature. In 1930, laws were proposed in Massachusetts and Missouri that would ban automobile radios, and a poll in 1934 found that 56% of people thought car radios were a dangerous distraction.

Monday night net - Aroostook Amateur Radio Association

Submitted by admin on Mon, 2021/08/09 - 07:20

(Editor's note: While it's not been easy to cross the border, radio waves can make the trip with ease! Here's an invitation from the AARA to their Monday night Emergency Net)

Several members of the Aroostook Amateur Radio Association (AARA) are current members of the International Repeater Group (IRG) in New Brunswick Province.