September 2021 review and October (fall) outlook

Submitted by admin on Mon, 2021/10/04 - 15:37

September had above normal temperatures (+1.5ºC) and much above normal precipitation (196%) in comparison with the 30-year climate normal (1981-2010) for the province.  Bas-Caraquet, Bathurst and Woodstock recorded their wettest months on record and Edmundston saw its third wettest month on record.

Climate event of the month: Total precipitation extremes from September 2020 to September 2021: Woodstock saw their wettest September 2021 (and third highest in the province behind Bathurst and Bas-Caraquet, respectively) on record with 220.5 mm while September 2020 was the third driest on record (and the lowest in the province) with a mere 22.2 mm.

See all the details in the attached final report for September and an outlook for October 2021. from Jill Maepea, Warning Preparedness Meteorologist / Client Service Operations Atlantic, Environment and Climate Change Canada / Government of Canada.

