Update (January 04): North-East and East Zone are back in the link system and operating as normal. North-West, West and Stanley Zone are still hard-linked with each other. To link to this 3-zone temporary group, use the Stanley Zone link code. You will not get a voice confirmation when linking here. Mount Carleton Park has been added to this group at this time.
Repeaters in the North East Zone and East Zone are temporarily not in the link system as a result of a repeater controller malfunction. Repeaters affected are Seven Mile Ridge, Elmtree, Bathurst, Tracadie, Acadieville, Moncton and Sackville. Some repeaters are operating as stand-alone, and some may not be operating at all. We will update the status of all repeaters with a list on the web site next week.
In addition, when linking to a Zone, or using “All Links On”, the originator may not hear a linking confirmation feedback to DTMF sent. This affects all zones.
There is some good news: the West and North West Zone audio has been restored. However, until the repeater controller is replaced, all West Zone, North West Zone and Stanley Zone repeaters will be linked at all times. In addition, the new solar powered repeater at Mount Carleton Park (147.120+ 151.4 Hz CT) has been added to the North West Zone, but audio linking is not finalized.
Thanks for your patience during this period. Check the web site home page https://ve9irg.net next week for updates.