FORECASTS: | New Brunswick | Maine | Nova Scotia | Prince Edward Island | Québec |
ALERTS: | New Brunswick | Maine | Nova Scotia | Prince Edward Island | Québec |
HURRICANES: | Canadian Hurricane Centre | National Hurricane Center (U.S.) | |||
FLOODING: | River Watch NB | River Watch Mobile | |||
GENERAL INFO: | Weather Summaries Canada | Ventusky wind map |
What do amateur radio operators talk about more than weather? We can't change the weather, but we can observe and report it. Our reports help in forecasting and are often used in news and weather reports and by agencies such as River Watch. Here are some resources for you.
The IRG Weather Net
The IRG Weather Net is heard every morning at 7:30 on the IRG system (mid-November to April). Anyone can report measured or observed weather data, you don't need a membership in anything and no special training or equipment is needed. Find out more information about the IRG Weather Net and how to report the weather during the IRG Weather Net at this link.
NEW: IRG Weather Net Tally sheet in PDF format. Use this to record your observations, one page will hold one month of data. Includes instructions.
CANWARN - The Canadian Weather Amateur Radio Network
During severe weather events, designated net controllers will activate the CANWARN Net on all or part of the IRG Network, as directed by Environment Canada. Reports are passed along to the Atlantic Storm Prediction Centre of Environment Canada. The CANWARN Net is a service net: follow instructions of the Net Controllers during a CANWARN net. The type and severity of the weather event will mandate how the net operates during the activation.
No membership or training is required to participate in CANWARN New Brunswick, all amateurs are encouraged to provide the requested weather observations during an activation. Resources are available to make you a better weather spotter, visit CANWARN New Brunswick for more information.
Weather Net Archive Documents
Here are some archival documents from the files of the late George Haney of Loon Bay Road, Canoose, NB, VE1LBR (SK). Much of the information is still valid today for reporting your weather observations, including estimating wind speed, and the different types of precipitation.
- Information for CANWARN New Brunswick participants - January 24 1993 memo from Richard Fleetwood, Supervisor, N.B. Environment Canada Weather Services Office.
- Information re Proposed VHF Weather Net - December 19 1993 memo from Richard Fleetwood, Supervisor, N.B. Environment Canada Weather Services Office.
- Information for new Weather Net Members - January 5 1994 memo from Richard Fleetwood, Supervisor, Atmospheric Environment Service, N.B. Environment Canada Weather Services Office. (to be added at later date)
- Weather Net reporting form - a handy form for observers with room for one month of data