
IRG system upgrades and changes coming

Submitted by admin on Thu, 2023/07/27 - 18:00

The IRG repeater system will undergo hardware and programming upgrades in 2023.
- Replacement of linking hardware and reprogramming of repeater controllers
- Changes in some zone configurations to allow for future expansion
- Addition of new repeaters
- Changes in linking codes and programming to improve reliability
- Phase-in of CTCSS ("PL tones") on repeaters
Find out more about what's planned....

Is your membership current?

Submitted by admin on Mon, 2020/12/07 - 09:56

Even though we may not be able to gather as a club during the pandemic, you can still join or renew on-line or via mail.  Check the membership list for your expiry date.  Your paid membership gives you access to the linking system and web site, and rights as a voting member of the IRG.  Active paid membership shows our served and supporting agencies that amateurs are real, live people! Membership dues per year are $15.00 (Full) or $5.00 (Associate).  See the Join or Renew page for more information.

Current network issues

Submitted by admin on Sun, 2025/02/02 - 07:30

Updated February 2;

East Zone (Moncton, Sackville, Acadieville):  This zone is not linking (within the zone or outside).  It seems that the individual repeaters are working correctly as stand-alone.  The issue has been reported and repairs are awaited.

Mount Carleton repeater now linkable, CTCSS enabled

Submitted by admin on Fri, 2024/01/05 - 09:00

The solar-powered Mount Carleton Park repeater (VE9MCP 147.120+) is now linked into the IRG system grouped with the North-West Zone.  Any reports of operation are appreciated, as there were issues with audio which now seem to be resolved.

As of Friday, November 24, the solar-powered Mount Carleton repeater  was fully CTCSS enabled - users will need to use a PL tone of 151.4 Hz to transmit via the repeater.  For a full list of updated repeaters, visit the IRG revamp page.

Campobello Island (146.955-) now linked

Submitted by admin on Wed, 2023/11/29 - 08:12

Update Note:  The repeater has intermittent audio loss out to other repeaters, users on other repeaters may sometimes hear only carrier and no audio from users on VE9GMI. The Campobello Island (VE9GMI 146.955 -) is now linked with the South West Zone.  The repeater had been stand-alone after being moved from Grand Manan Island, following a decommissioning of that site. Also note the revamp page has updated information, it previously listed the offset as a “+”  it should have read “-“ (minus).

North West Zone and West Zone now fully PL enabled

Submitted by admin on Tue, 2023/09/26 - 18:00

Update: (Sept 26) All repeaters on North-West Zone (VE9SQN, VE9RCV, VE9GFL and VE9STL) are now fully CTCSS enabled (151.4 Hz PL tone on TX and RX)

Update: (Sept 27)  All repeaters on West Zone  (VE9KMT, VE9IRG and VE1PD) are now fully CTCSS enabled (151.4 Hz PL tone on TX and RX)

For more information about the phase-in of CTCSS and other changes to the IRG system, visit the IRG revamp page.