August 2021 review and September (fall) outlook

Submitted by admin on Wed, 2021/09/01 - 19:12

August’s temperature was much above normal (+1.9ºC) while precipitation was below normal (90%) in comparison with the 30-year climate normal (1981-2010) for the province.

Four sites (Bathurst, Bas Caraquet, Charlo and Miscou Island) all had their warmest August on record with almost all other sites ranking in the top 5 warmest.

Climate event of the month: Two-thirds of the total monthly precipitation (53 of 80 mm) fell in one day (Aug. 24) at the Red Pines station which demonstrated the mostly dry month in the north. Without this day with precipitation, August could have likely been one of the driest on record.

See all the details in the attached final report for August and an outlook for September 2021 from Jill Maepea, Warning Preparedness Meteorologist / Client Service Operations Atlantic, Environment and Climate Change Canada / Government of Canada

