We are sad to hear the passing of Keith Estey, VE1KRE (1938 to 2021) on February 7, 2021. Keith was formerly a net controller on the IRG Net, Miramichi Area VHF Net, and the Professional Loafers Net. Our condolences go out to all Keith's family and friends
A link to the obituary is found here: www.flewellingswan.com/obituaries/151908
Keith most recently resided at the York Care Centre. He still kept in touch via a 2m radio to reach the local repeaters to chat with friends on the air, and was still active on local IRG repeaters and nets up until very recently.
In the picture, left to right: Scott Arnold VE1CSA, Keith Estey VE1KRE, and Al Thurber VE1RG, visiting with Keith to install an antenna at the York Care Centre in October, 2018.