Murry Brown - VE9MB (SK)

Submitted by admin on Tue, 2025/03/04 - 11:41

Friends of Murry Brown (VE9MB) are saddened by his recent passing on March 2, 2025. 

Murry was instrumental in his role at Radio Branch of the N.B. Department of Transportation (now RadComm at NB-DTI) in working with the IRG to establish the linked radio system now used by radio amateurs.  

Murry Brown VE9MB (right) and Mel Ellis VE9KK (left) along with Greg Gilmore VE1XH (seated)
Murry Brown VE9MB (right) and Mel Ellis VE9KK (left) along with Greg Gilmore VE1XH (seated)

In the early 1990's the province understood the benefit of having amateur radio operators available in times of emergency, and a robust and stable radio network would make that happen.  

To this day, amateurs in the Maritimes have benefited from the foresight and assistance of Murry and others in Radio Branch.  Even after retirement, Murry helped many amateurs with equipment and a local repeater serving the Grand Manan area.

Murry Brown VE9MB (SK)Members of the IRG extend condolences to friends and family of Murry in his passing. 

Link to obituary at Humphrey's Funeral Home.
